With over six years of experience, I, Satya, have traveled across beautiful India with my camera and artistic ideas. I was born in Kota district of Rajasthan, however, I believe I belong everywhere and nowhere. From gigantic mountains to scenic beaches, India has made me witness impeccable states, cities, and villages. I follow unknown roads that often lead me to dwell deeper into my craft, and yes, my craft is visual arts. Through photography and filmmaking, I try to capture poignant moments that display people, culture, emotions, nature, and much more that are difficult to enunciate, but we all are trying. Aren’t we?
How it all started?
The inception of my artistic journey happened years ago when I borrowed my friend’s camera, out of curiosity, and shot my first film independently. Yes, that was the moment I realized “camera is life”. Since then there has been no looking back. In fact, my curiosity has amplified and I try to do projects that pose a challenge that eventually allows me to grow in my creative journey. In the long run, I do aspire to create films that centre around multiple human emotions that are in today’s world most complicated yet intricate.