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My work simply captures human emotions. In various photography projects, I display the essence of authenticity that often gets ignored in today’s rat race world. Sometimes, all my photographs are me, sometimes they are depictions of me. It also showcases my travel stories in India highlighting diverse cultures, food habits and landscapes. We are different but we are also one. We may eat different food but when we smile we are the same. When we eat the sweetest mango from a farm, the delicacy of the mango, for all of us, is the same. When we lose a parent, dog, or a pair of favourite socks, we all feel the same emotion, when we suffer we all look the same. Maybe glance at some of my photography projects?


In These still frames, the idea was simple and it was to “keep it simple, silly”. Each still frame has a special story, however, it shows very mutual feelings that we witness in everyday life. When you sit in nature, you release a sense of “sigh”, when you “smell” sand and “whiff” ocean breeze, you attract abundance and love. There is lightness, darkness and everything in between in these still frames. Take a look!